Minimize program conversion efforts by A/QnA → Q Conversion Support Tool

A/QnA → Q Conversion Support Tool


Complete conversion from A/QnA program to Q program or AnS/QnAS program to L/Q program is supported by this tool.

It easily helps to find and correct non-completed conversion parts.

HTML conversion guidance file Programs with differences highlighted

*1:  This support tool applies to ladder programs only.
AnS/Q2AS(H) → Q conversion is also supported.
A/QnA → Q Conversion Support Tool Version1.06 or later is required for replacement of CPU with Universal model QCPU.
To replace the CPU with the LCPU, use the A/QnA → Q conversion support tool of Version 1.11 or later.
To perform PLC Type Change to a Universal model QCPU module, the version 1.06 or later is required.

*2:  GX Developer does not support the PLC type change to High-speed Universal model QCPU and to the LCPU(except L02CPU and L26CPU-BT).
Please change the PLC type by the following application and method.

  1. GX Developer: Convert PLC type to Universal model QCPU then save the project data.
  2. A/QnA → Q Conversion Support Tool: Output “Differences between two programs” and “HTML conversion guidance file”.
  3. GX Developer: Correct “Differences between two programs” referring to “HTML conversion guidance file”.
  4. GX Works2: Open “Differences between two programs”(Project - Open Other data - Open Other project) and change the PLC type to High-speed Universal model QCPU.

Note: For the acquisition of A/QnA → Q Conversion Support Tool, please contact your local Mitsubishi Electric sales office or sales representative.

A0J2 Conversion Support Function


ACPU ladder programs, which are not supported by GX Developer, are converted into the GPPA format.

The ACPU ladder programs, which are not supported by GX Developer, are read and converted into the GPPA format, which are supported by GX Developer.



Q programs with differences highlighted

The differences between two programs can be modified directly.
This prevents mistakes and improves the conversion efficiency.

<Differences highlighted>


(1)Statement of unconverted devices - #
The original device and the converted device are displayed as shown below. The devices contained in the circuit block are displayed one line at a time.
[Example] #00001 BCDP D9001 → SD1255 (#00001 is a search keyword from the guidance file.)
(2)Statement of unconverted instructions - %
The original instruction and the converted instruction are displayed as shown below. The instructions contained in the circuit block are displayed one line at a time.
[Example] %00000 ASC ABCDEFG D100 → OUT SM1255 (%00000 is a search keyword from the guidance file.)
(3)Statement of special function module processes - !
For the special function module instructions (FROM, DFRO, TO, DTO and instructions using X/Y devices), a message requesting a review is displayed. For the X/Y devices and buffer memory addresses, their original and modified statuses are displayed.
[Example] !00001 SpecialFunctionModuleProcess! Refer to ReviewInformation (!00001 is a search keyword from the guidance file.)


HTML conversion guidance file

Easy comparison of performance specifications before and after a replacement.
Detailed information is displayed hierarchically in your Internet Explorer
Information on the differences between the two programs and the conversion guidance file can be linked together.

[Example] Special function module processes which need to be reviewed

Details of unconverted special relays and registers can be displayed, improving conversion efficiency.
[Example] Special relays and registers which are not converted to the Q program